Майбутній офіцер має вміти логічно мислити, а для цього потрібно розв'язувати різні цікави задачки. Пропоную вам одну з них.
Sherlock Holmes had apprehended three thieves: Robert, Walter and Frank. Each of them had robbed a house in a different part of London at approximately the same time. Robert, who was the oldest, didn`t commit his crime in Ealing, and Walter didn`t rob the house in Clapham. The one who robbed the house in Ealing didn`t steal the gold watch. The one who robbed the house in Clapham stole the landscape painting. Walter didn`t steal the silver coins. Word List
apprehend /ˌæp.rɪˈhend/ - затримувати, заарештувати
rob /rɒb/ - пограбувати
approximately /əˈprɒk.sɪ.mət.li/ - приблизно
commit a crime /kəˈmɪt/ /kraɪm/ - вчинити злочин
steal (stole, stolen) /stiːl/ (/stəʊl/ /ˈstəʊ.lən/) - красти
landscape /ˈlænd.skeɪp/ - пейзаж
In what part of London did Frank commit his crime and what did he steal?
Відповідь: Ealing. Silver coins.
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